2023 Bag Drive Recap

Throughout the month of May, we collected new & gently used bags from over 20 collections spots across the Wichita area for National Foster Care Month. Typically, children who enter foster care get a beat up suitcase that doesn’t function, isn’t suited for the child in need, or worse…a trash bag.

When we think about trash bags, we think about…well…trash. Garbage. Refuse. Waste. Dirty. When applying those terms to children…it becomes unwanted, not worthy, unloved, unsupported and that they don’t matter.

Plastic breaks easily and often. Severely used bags break easily and often. ‘Broken’ does not lend itself as useful when it comes to the delicate state of children in foster care. The average age of a child entering foster care is 6 to 8 years old. They are kindergartners to 2nd graders. Let that sink in for a moment.

At Susan’s Kids, we sought out to challenge that fact and bring our neighbors together to help children in need. While it takes a village to raise a child, we believe it takes a community to help foster children. Our community delivered! With over 1,200 bags donated to children in the Wichita area, they will know that someone out there cares about them.

Since the inception of our Bag Drive idea in 2021, we have collected over 2,500 bags and in turn, impacted the lives and journey of over 2,500 kids. There are roughly 5,000 children in Kansas foster care at any given time, but with your help, we were able to give back to those who arguably need it most.

With your help…we made a difference.

To learn about how to become a foster or adoptive parent yourself, click here.


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